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'Sujuy Ja’', un performance de música y mitos en lengua maya sobre el agua en Yucatán
"This piece tries to capture the tension, anticipation, and fear we feel when we lose water—the very thing that has always sustained us. We often take it for granted, using it excessively without thinking about the future"
Documentary on Kurdish television by ecologist Sarwar Qaradaxi
Instantly, we the audience are placed in a mode of bearing witness, partaking in this ritual for the earth.
For an long time I wanted to create something about our consumption patterns and they cause
Complex labyrinth in seven languages - a pearl of cultural polyphony
The fertile earth of cemeteries – an alternative opera history
how do we address each other about our differences and how do we deal with them.
Uma obra singular
Miranda Lakerveld selected for prestigious ISPA fellowship
All sounds and all voices are in harmony with each other, and that makes this Passion of Today an experience that is as comforting as it is extraordinary.
Representation is important and that is always complicated
The young and graceful soprano Sabra El Bahri Khatri beautifully sings and dances the role of the river
That dialogue is essential because we all inhabit this one planet. Climate change not only affects everyone, but it is a problem on a scale that humanity can hardly comprehend
The Princess and the Cosmos
Is there a shared discourse in which we as a field, not just theater makers, but all artists and the public, think about these complex social and culturally intrinsic developments?
In the opera Ine Aya', Indonesian and Germanic cultures merge
The new opera Turan Dokht is indeed more philosophical in content and more poetic in tone than Puccini's work.
Carissimi's harsh apotheosis was softened with a miracle - and with exciting new music by Aftab Darvishi. The daughter came back to life to enchanting sounds. Sezer, who had already achieved a climax in her lament, now shone in her resurrection as a young woman.
It is very special that despite all the different types of music, singing, dancing and playing, a great unity and tension is achieved. Multicultural theater at its best!
The sound of Bach's music is organically adopted by the sitar, opening a musical and cultural window to parts of the world that are far removed from Leipzig where Bach composed.
The fact that something like this happens here in Rotterdam-South is an enrichment. The story of Sheba is told in a way that we can all relate to.
Riveting performances
'Brides of the Rain' aims to give voice to nature
"Water is now one of the most important issues in the world to be discussed and to do something about it among cultures and people"
A musical reminder that ancient myth have warned humanity a long time ago about impending disaster
Transhistorical, peaceful, joyous, celebratory, and deeply moving performing art
Works of art like Darvish and Lakerveld’s Turan Dokht does not just bring a faraway Persian poem home to its new European habitat. It also awakens Europe itself to its own composite, multicultural, and pluralistic reality.
Ganz schön divers
Antigone's of the Pandemic I Best performance of 2022
Ine Aya’ is a powerful plea for cooperation instead of exploitation — the urgent voice of this fading forest deserves to be heard in all its luscious splendour.
A beautiful opera project about the Euphrates, bringer of life and civilization, that got out of hand
This diverse opera transcends cultural differences and poetically questions social themes such as migration. Boundaries appear to be an illusion.
I thought it was fabulous. It's great that something like this is possible again in Amsterdam and with so many cultures
It is heartfelt and moving, and multicultural in the most literal sense of the word; the diversity of society is clearly shown. The Passion of Today deserves to grow into a new tradition.
Beautiful, tranquil and very subtly lit. A ceremony that now says much more than was ever intended.
With Wagner in the fight against deforestation in Kalimantan
Desi touch to Greek myth
Lakerveld's limitations have forced creative solutions, which in many cases reveal a deep beauty.
If you listen carefully to each other, a very beautiful space is created
First of all, the music is tranquil, fragile and often downright austere, beautifully performed by the Niper Orchestra, led by Navid Gohari - the only orchestra from Iran that makes modern music there.
A special encounter between archeology and opera in the National Museum of Antiquities
The Opera Ine Aya' - Suara Samar Rima is nothing more than a metaphor for a crisis situation and at the same time arouses our concern about it.
The disappearing forest has been given a voice.
The Western opera tradition is not unique, there are countless traditions that have the same mix of song, music, stories, theater and dance