
Ring of our Time

Ring of our Time

Voices from a world in danger

The goddesses and gods of the great civilizations come together for the first time in many centuries. They meet at the Euphrates River, the place where the world's first myths were written down. They remember the first stories. How everything came into existence from the water, how the primordial mother Tiamat was attacked by her grandchildren and how the pieces of her body became the living nature. They remember how the sacred tree grew in the centre of the earth, and a thread came from heaven, connecting the families of people and nature. They remember how the calendar was installed and how the thread spread the sacred stories to all corners of the world.

The goddesses are concerned. The world they have created, where people, nature and animals live in harmony, is in danger. The sacred thread was cut during colonial times, and its pieces are lost. Will the ancient voices be able to return to the world, and heal the sacred thread?

Premiere in Amsterdam June 2025

Upcoming dates

23 Jun – 19:30
Ring of Our Time - dialogue performance
Performances to be announced soon
24 Jun – 20:30
Ring of our Time - premiere
Performances to be announced soon
25 Jun – 20:30
Ring of our Time
Performances to be announced soon

Forty artists - Four continents - One new opera

73592 E35 914 B 469 E 9 BF5 2 E73 BC70 C483
1 C45 B108 C5 B0 4 D7 F AC29 41 D0 E24055 B0
1675140 C D2 EC 443 A 9 F50 241370 FFA206
7 AE69 C50 F75 D 4 F1 E 99 A6 8 BA9864 AFE75
1 E8 A1 CB2 A959 4 E15 858 F 77 D92 D2002 B7
9 A8582 D9 7911 4 E5 F 8242 DC6 FD40 DBFE3
B428 CC98 452 E 45 FE 948 C 0156 C3 D038 FE
1 B6836 F4 19 CB 4 A20 8 E50 B3 D7 ACC6 A842 1 105 c
5 C543 E86 06 B6 4 EBA BBBB 2 E0 C9 C50 B481 1 105 c
9 E176 ED4 8 EB1 47 E6 B6 AD 8101 AB30 DC9 C 1 105 c
112386 E4 B128 45 DD BDD1 8 AABAC46 B0 A7 1 105 c
BF6 EE066 1 C0 A 4273 B44 A F1440 E663 EA8 1 105 c
78485326 1877 4 F0 D BCCC E2 FD29 E1 B4 D1 1 105 c
5 EAC3 C50 7483 4 B70 9 D15 2 AC564447333 1 105 c
AFA8 BE68 91 AB 49 F8 B26 A 65441495 F824 1 105 c
6828032 A A02 D 4892 97 AD A559 CC449 B86 1 105 c
B7796 A8 E F31 C 42 AA AFD3 A5 F6 CADF0 A0 E 1 105 c
BE79 AA7 E F9 D2 407 A 94 C2 D763 C172 AD8 C 1 105 c
1 DE131 F0 8 EB5 499 A B22 B 490570 BB24 AB 1 105 c
F8 C70 BF4 C3 DC 4 CD9 90 BB DDE0 D83 C3 E70 1 105 c
DDFEF40 D 41 A6 44 B4 B901 5 E2 BB8303598 4 5005 c
BD6 D02 B3 C025 454 D A689 E680 B160 FB02 1 105 c
9 AF65 D17 DC04 4534 9 A82 C3 A3 CDDF2673
6373 E1 FC DF28 43 D4 895 E FA848126 EACE 1 105 c
B73 B3 DC6 AAAB 4721 89 AF 63 CA174 BC0 B1 1 105 c

With support of